
The retail world—with its razor-thin margins and relentless big bets on fashions, trends and timing—has never been a haven for the faint of heart. Add digital technology disruption, emerging market opportunities and changing consumer trends to put more variables in flux than ever before. Liaisoners works alongside retailers to develop and implement customized processes and controls plugging leakages and ensuring effective controls, pro-active transfer pricing, transparent disclosures etc. – solutions that address today’s challenges and help harness tomorrow’s opportunities.

We assist foreign companies to examine a proposed action or strategy vis-à-vis the Indian regulatory environment. Our experts from varied service verticals work together and provide clear advice on matters which could concern Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Company Law, Taxes, labor matters, Special Economic Zone (SEZ), etc.

We Service:

  • Apparel & Accessories
  • Luxury Goods
  • Food & Grocery
  • Gems & Jewellery