Having advised on the largest and most prestigious projects, the Firm’s experience in Oil & Gas sector is unparalleled. Liaisoners has worked with stakeholders across the value chain of O&G industry (including- project developers, contractors, Indian and foreign investors, regulatory authorities, multilateral institutions, international banks and financial institutions). We have been retained by key Indian and MNC firms in O&G sector
Areas of specific expertise include LNG, CGD network, Pipeline, Shale gas, O&G Equipment, Crude oil, Petroleum products, Refinery, Fertilizer, Petrochemical, Pipelines and Petro retailing. These are main segments in which we have provided suitable compliance services.
We work closely with our clients, helping them to mitigate risks by assisting them to grasp opportunities and aim to provide a perfect blend of professionalism with high standards of service knowing that each client has a unique set of requirements. The firm is well poised to help any investor in this vertical.
Statutory Approvals & Commercial Registrations (for establishment and operation of factories/ plants)
A. At the time of setting up of the project
- Consent to Establish (CTE)/ State Pollution Control Board
- District Industrial Centre registration
- Sanction for Water Usage – Central Ground Water Authority, Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation Department
- NOC from Town Municipal Corporation / Grampanchayat
- Labor office / Commissioner permission for employing contracted persons / agencies
- Building & Other Constructions Workers’ Act – Labor Cess (BOCW)
- Sanction from State Electricity Board – Temporary
- Weigh bridge stamping from weights & measures
- IBR – Local Boiler Inspector
- Environmental Clearance
- Fire Fighting Scheme Approval
B. At the time of commencement of operations
- Factory Inspector’s Certificate – Factory & Safety
- Tank & flow Meter Gauging – Weights & Measures department
- Consent to Operate (CTO)
- DPR submission to MNRE through state nodal agency
- Industrial Entrepreneur’s Memorandum
- Sanction from State Electricity Board – Permanent
- Explosive license for storage – PESO Approval
- Boiler Inspector – Local Boiler Inspector
- Fire NOC
- Exploration
- Drilling
- Production
- Oil & Natural Gas Pipelines
- LNG Terminals
- Refineries
- Fertilisers
- Petrochemicals
- CGD Networks
- Gas & Downstream Petroleum products